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goals and implementation

Goals of the Senate of Economy Europe

Like the Senate of Economy International, the Senate of Economy Europe represents the conviction that personalities in business can be a driving force for freedom, peace, justice, ethics, sustainable development and culture in Europe through value-oriented action and the corresponding orientation of companies and markets towards the common good and the whole world are. This potential needs to be activated even more. This requires constant reflection on the role of business in our society. Economy must be thought of holistically and constantly reconciled with all other sectors of society in order to produce the best possible effect.


From the perspective of the Senate of Economy Europe, the eco-social market economy opens up enormous possibilities for shaping the future. Therefore, the economy and personalities in the economy have a special responsibility for sustainable development and thus, in addition to economic, also for ecological and social issues of coexistence.


Europe is an important part of the world and has a special responsibility for the future of the earth. This is where the “operating system” of the modern world was invented. Here, after the Second World War, it was shown that states, including formerly hostile states, can work together closely and supranationally and that peace is possible. It was shown here that states can voluntarily surrender sovereignty rights to a superordinate structure. Europe is the part of the world that has achieved a particularly high degree of social balance. There are well-developed approaches to an eco-social market economy, a green and inclusive economy.


We strive to achieve these goals

Information, advice and exchange with decision-makers in politics and administration.


Planning approaches to political decision-making in the interest of the common good through commissions.


Private and networked research and think tank performances, for example self-publications, conferences, discussions with policy makers and membership in the Senate of Economy International (SOEI) as well as collaborations in national and international organizations.


Exchange of experiences and cooperation with companies, executives and representatives from business, politics, media, science and research in Germany and abroad.


Awarding and justification of awards, honors and prizes.


Donations to charities.


Lecture events, seminars, learning groups and social events, exchange of experiences and cooperation between members and with service partners, consultants and expert networks.

We see the Senate of Economy Europe

  • as a community of people from business, science, politics, media and civil society who think responsibly throughout Europe, who learn from one another via a cross-sectoral and Europe-wide network and contribute to the economy and all other sectors of society mutually enriching each other and creating a future-proof balance among themselves be able.


  • as an institution that gives broad support to political actors in the interest of the common good. This is done by developing approaches to solutions to the pressing issues facing society and the economy, and in particular by promoting practical implementation, above all in Europe, but also beyond. This is done from the perspective of an ecological and social market economy / a green and inclusive economy.


  • as an institution that is committed to the European project. Our goal is the further development of the EU, also in the direction of fiscal union. This also includes financial transfers between Member States under appropriate conditions.


  • as a new form of an "integrated think tank oriented towards the common good" in which innovative concepts from different areas can be brought together and further developed together; thus an institution that lives plurality and respects different approaches in a result-oriented manner.


  • as an organization oriented towards the common good that deliberately does not represent any particular interests (which is entirely permissible and is adopted by others). In contrast, our mission is the common good, whereby the Senate is convinced that a functioning market economy is the form of organization that is best able to promote the common good. Coming from this mission, the Senate offers politics concepts in the sense of a global ecological and social market economy and makes the competence and experience of its members available to all political and social forces.


  • as a community that is supported by the idea of common values in corporate management and in relation to social issues.


The guiding principle for the Senate of Economy is: Economy – for people


Activities of the Senate of Economy Europe

Discussions and events with members of the government, high-ranking party politicians, parliamentarians, scientists, diplomats, etc. in regional conferences and in the parliaments in Berlin, Strasbourg and Brussels.

Cooperation in commissions and study groups.


Economic forums and lecture events.


Coordination of the exchange of experiences / the cooperation of the Senate members.

Tasks of the Senate of Economy Europe

Contribution to the information and advice of decision-makers in politics and administration at national, European and international level.


Contribute to the policy-making process by drafting legislation and actively participating in parliamentary and government hearings.


Promotion of a positive public image of business enterprises and executives due to the role model function of their members.


Appointing competent interlocutors, selected from among its members, for interviews, statements and media reports.


Funding of studies to develop approaches in the interest of the goals of the Senate of Economy Europe.

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House of the Federal Press Conference
Schiffbauerdamm 40 / 2401
10117 Berlin
Phone +49 30 2060 73 770
Fax +49 30 2060 73 779
New York:

Senate of Economy International

German American Chamber
of Commerce
80 Pine Street, 24th Floor
New York NY 10005
Schwäbisch Hall:

Dr Walter Doring


Auf dem Klingenberg 29

74523 Schwaebisch Hall

©2022 Senate of Economy Europe. 

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